The countdown of CERTEMA, the Technological Multidisciplinary Laboratory with open access is started.

CERTEMA was been created with the cooperation of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, the co-financing of the Tuscany Region, MISE and the province of Grosseto, in order to support technological companies located in Tuscany and promote the cooperation with the Universities.

The laboratory is divided into thematic areas and related experimental laboratories, which providing:

  • testing services, testing and analysis through rental service with operator of technological and innovative equipment
  • Support functions to the research and testing activities, training, expert advice


The CERTEMA’s thematic areas are:

– Precision Engineering and Technical Tests on Materials

– Applied Mechanics and Machine Design

– Climate Stress Test, Optoelectronics and HMI

– Environmental and Process Analysis

The laboratory CERTEMA is located in the industrial area of ​​Borgo Santa Rita (GR).

The equipment can be used by all companies which need them, after online booking. For more info contact